Sharjah Aerogrammes

Khaled Ali Al – Aumira
An aerogramme is a thin lightweight piece of foldable and gummed paper- with edges that stick as soon as they touch the waterالمزيد …


If we ponder some of the names of proper nouns and items frequently used, we will find them ambiguous and difficult to interpret or to trace their oriالمزيد …

Al Halusa Arab Chess

Jamal bin Huwaireb
Day after day, I grow more certain that our local dialect is an undepletable source of the Arabic language. Our dialect eالمزيد …

Dubai Phone Directory

Ali Obaid Al Hamli
Telephony, that was once a luxury in our societies, is now a necessity, a means available with the best and the most modern featureالمزيد …

The world in a book

Book Title: The World in a Book: Al-Nuwayri and the Islamic Encyclopedic Tradition
Author: Elias Muhanna
Published: 05 December 2017
Publisher: Princeالمزيد …

Why Poetry

Book Title: Why Poetry
Author: Matthew Zapruder
Published: 15 August 2016
Publisher: Ecco An impassioned call for a return to reading poetry and an iالمزيد …